Sunday, 24 July 2011

I Am Also A Poet.....

So many anxious moments,
Become heavier and very pensive,
When you are late like a train running late,
Failing to keep up time like failing in promises,
Many anxious moments wear out,
Many anxious moments wear out,
Many expectations die out,
When I got to know,
You won’t be ever late,
I am lonely in the crowd,
The dense platform told me,
You are late for ever,
You can’t bring me a flower.

The roaring solitude haunts me,
The screaming silence outweighs my presence,
I am lonely amidst crowd,
Why the lonely heart cries and cries?(1)
My every breathe slows down,
My every smile doesn’t bloom like morning roses,
My eyes are overflowing,
Why these dark nights become sleepless,
Why the lonely heart is restless?(2)
The road becomes endless,
Why I can’t listen the footsteps,
Yes, there is none, nor hope, nor dream in my eyes,
Except some killing emotions and wet memoirs.(3)

A song of solitude,
That was  composed and written on a scrape of paper,
With delible ink,
With the swifting moments by my wayward tears,
The ink was washed away and the color faded out,
But that scrape is still there,
Someone wants to read it,
Who can make him understand!
That the letters are no more…
And all of the essence is lost.(1)
A layer of dust obstruct the glimpse of memoirs,
The memoirs of all the relationship,
On the eve of that hurricane,
Everyone changed their path,
I stopped and looked back,
No one was coming,
The road is never ending,
I want to break free,
And I have to walk till I fall asleep.(2)

Oh !Love,I treasured you hidden,
Hidden in my every beat and breathe,
I treasured you hidden,
Hidden in my every tantrum,
And hidden in my impulses,
You have become a string of passion,
That tightens and tightens around me,
And dragging me towards a new sun rise,
When nights sleep out,
You whisper and arouse me,
Your tender smile makes me awake and awake,
To count many sleepless nights.
When nights burn out,
I treasured you hidden in my streaming thoughts,
I talk with you in my murmurs,
I treasured you again in my blinks,
I dream you when eyes are closed,
I dream you when they are wide open.
You are my way to life,
You are my days and nights to live,
Oh my Love! I am metamorphosed,
After I treasured you in my heart’s hive…
Once in a fairyland,
I met a white fairy,
The fairy was sweet and beautiful,
She had tears in her eyes,
I wanted to make her laugh,
I wanted to fill her heart with joy,
But I was not jovial,
I was not a joker to make her laugh,
I knew, love can stop her tears,
I realized and told her that,
“I love you, white fairy!”
She laughed and told me,
“you  joker, fairies don’t love men”.
I tried to tell her that I am an angel,
But by that time the night was over,
My dream was over.

When you fell in love for the first time,
I was rushing in your veins,
Yes I was red hot water,
Being pumped by your heart,
I made you sick and sick,
I am water, your blood and tear,
I’ll quench your thirst for love and care. (I)

The thirst for me is never ending,
Like thirst for love and care,
I am always there to quench,
Yes, I am water,
When you cried, cried for a lost dear,
I was there in your eyes,
To certify how much you care. (II)

‎"Look up to the blue sky,
 I am in that endless blue,
 Hug me dear, if you can...
Look towards the deep blue sea,
I am right there,
Where the horizon kisses the sea,
Hug me dear, if you can...
Look at that mountain,
At the snowy peak, I am waiting,
Hug me dear, If you can...
Smell at that fragrance,
The fragrance of night jasmine,
I am in that breeze,
Hug me dear, if you can...

After many years,
My eyes who forgot to sleep,
Are discovering dreams,
The roses which were looking pale,
Now swing in the vase,
After you hugged me in this autumn,
How can I express!
How I am overflowing with tears,
After you hugged me in this autumn,
Could you bring me those passion flowers?
Which I threw away after that denial?
 They are still blooming in this autumn,
After you hugged me.


9-Slumdog And Millionaire
Oh millionaire, have you ever thought about,
For a loaf of bread,
How much I sweat in a day?
Still I sleep my nights,
Without a full plate of stuff,
Which, your pet leaves everyday,
After satiated along a day.

You portray me on your screen
Shattered by poverty and hunger,
A dog born in the slum,
Starts  its life among all the blacks of this world
Its tomorrows are black.
I start  my tomorrow searching my bread
In the heaps of garbage and in the bins,
While your kids are going to their schools,
You dream for your kids day and night
Dreams are ended before I fall asleep,
And for a beautiful dream I have no night.

Oh millionaire, can you give me a share
From your pets’ care ?
Oh millionaire, can you give me a book
From your kids’ spare ?
Oh millionaire can you give me a share
From your screenplay fare ?
I can dream and dare
To live my today for a better tomorrow’s glare.


I am in love once again,
When I saw you for the first time,
I looked into your beautiful eyes,
They told me, “We are made for you”.
I held on my emotions,
I put a brake on them,
I did not tell you but told myself,
I am here, but not for you,
You are there, but not for me,
I know you will find your man,
On a day for this life,
And I have to wait for another life,
To tell you, “I am in love”.
Those beautiful eyes told me,
“We are made for you”.
I told them, “Not ever, dear! Never for this life”.(I)
The moments of tomorrow will sing,
Again and again,
They will tell you to live life to its fullest,
You know you might be the same tomorrow,
But let me offer this rose now,
Because, I know,
 You’ll never be the same tomorrow,
The rose has to wither,
For the law of nature.(II)

Smile at me once more, oh dear!
I will miss you when you are away far,
I will miss those days,
When we were together,
I will miss those days
When we shared a lot.
I have to live in todays,
I have to count my ‘ ifs and buts’,
Who knows? Where, this life
Will take me tomorrow,
Let me offer now and then,
I am in love once again.

Last night, very last night
After I fell asleep,
A white fairy came swiftly in my dreams
And asked … …,
“Did you go there?”
“Not yet, not yet”, I replied.
The fairy smiled and disappeared. (I)

Last night, very last night
While I was swimming in dreams,
The white fairy came again
And asked … …,
“Could you remember me, dear?”
“Not yet, not yet”, I replied.
She whispered in my ear,
“Tajmehal, tajmehal.”  (II)

Last night, very last night
While I was storming with thoughts …
About the great Shahajahan and Mumtaj,
I fell asleep… …and saw,
Out of a marvel white tomb, a fairy came
And asked, “whether now?”
I got overwhelmed and replied
“Yes dear, Tajmehal, Tajmehal… …” (III)

 Me still sleeping there,
Still dropping tears for that eternity,
The eternity of her love,
She got out of this earth for 'salvation',
But me not, i am still flying from this horizon to the other,
Me Sahajahaan the cursed emperor
 And haunting over that marvel tomb.(IV)

Last night, very last night
While I awoke up … …,
I murmured in trans
“My Mumtaj…, my  tajmehal…”
I became passionate,
“O’ white fairy, come on, come on...
I would adore you for ever and ever”. (IV)  

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