"Mobile Family Planning Unit: An innovation for expanding accessibility to family planning services in Bihar"
Accessibility to cost
effective and quality Family Planning services in remote and hard to reach area
which are not well connected to the block and district towns is a major reason
for poor uptake of family planning services in Bihar.Contraceptive prevalence
is mere 33.3% percent in rural Bihar below national figure of 56.3%.(1)
Female sterilization is being adopted for family planning purpose since long as
the major contraceptive method(29.4%). Other methods used here are Condom(1.6%),OC-Pill(1.5%),IUCD(0.5%),Vasectomy(0.3%)
and natural or traditional methods(3.7%).There is a huge unmet need for
spacing(21.3%) and limiting(17.9%) in Bihar above the national figure of 6.2%
and 6.6% respectively.(2) Major reasons for poor acceptance in Bihar
where IUCD coverage is a mere 0.4% in rural areas are due to lack of trained
personnel,lack of connectivity and lack of awareness among Front Line Workers(ASHAs
and AWWs) & community.In this
context,the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Integrated Family Health
Initiative Project(IFHI) proposed an innovation of Mobile Family Planning
Unit(MFPU) into piloting in Patna district which hypothesised that through MFPU
along with trained and highly skilled providers the gaps can be minimized and
Goal for spacing can be achieved.(3) A study was conducted to assess the
effectiveness of MFPU in improving
accessibility and acceptance of IUCD services and minimizing the gap between
target and achievement.This kind of MFPU
for IUCD insertion was first of its kind for family planning services in Bihar.
The MFPU is a fully
equipped and air conditioned ambulance with all facilities for examination of
the client and IUCD insertion.The staffs in MFPU consist of one Van nurse who
is trained for IUCD insertion,one Van Manager who looks after the organisation
of camp and registration of clients,one female attendant who conducts pregnancy
test and assists van nurse and one van driver.The unit travelled a distance of
10 to 100 kilometres in any van day from Patna to outreach areas and provided
“Interval IUCD” insertion services to the identified clients.The micro plan for
camps and travel route were prepared by IFHI team in advance in preceding month
and shared among the unit staff.The required numbers of IUCD insertion sets
were pre-sterilized.Every Front Line Worker of the piloting block was using a
screening card to screen and send the women for IUCD insertion by van nurse.Guidelines
were mentioned in this card for selection and rejection of any woman for IUCD
On camp day, the clients were mobilised by
FLWs.The clients after reaching at camp went for a pregnancy test of their
urine samples.Clients who were negative in pregnancy test got registered by Van
Manager and counselled by the Van Nurse before IUCD insertion.The Van Nurse
inserted the IUCD under all aseptic measures by using “no touch technique” of
insertion.All aseptic measures and techniques of insertion from Government of
India Guidelines were strictly followed.(4)
63(97%) camps could
happen against 65 camps planned over a period of 6 months. The MFPU provided
services for 7-11 days per month in remote areas of the pilot district.A total of 1508 women attended the MFPU in 63 van days
averaging 24(23.9) per day.Out of 24 women attending the MFPU on any van day,
15 could be inserted,5.5 women could be followed up and 3.5 women were rejected
on average.A total of 929(80.2%) women availed IUCD insertion from MFPU averaging 15 per day.230(19.8%) women were
rejected for IUCD insertion who were found unsuitable for the procedure for
reasons like positive pregnancy test,unexplained vaginal bleeding,foul smelling
vaginal discharge,denial from woman after counselling, etc.349(37.5%) women out of 929 could be followed up
subsequently after insertion.Number of IUCD insertions that happened was
inversely proportionate to the distance of the camp site from the district
headquarter.On some days, women had to return home without insertion due to
lack of time.Most of the women were followed up at home by FLWs after 7 days of
insertion.Women reported about spotting, menorrhagea, pain in abdomen etc as complaints during follow-up.After
counselling about effectiveness,Cu T-375 with contraceptive effectiveness of 5
years was accepted by 53 women(5.7%).Cu T-380A with contraceptive effectiveness
of 10 years was accepted by 876(94.3%) women from MFPU.
10.4% women with one child opted IUCD as a method of spacing.Majority of
women(89.6%) who have two or more children had IUCD insertion.Indepth interview
with these women revealed that most of them were not ready to accept permanent
sterilization as a method to limit their family size.They were afraid of
surgery needed for tubectomy.Rather they prefered Cu T-380A to be a safe non
surgical method which could protect them aginst pregnancy over a longer period.Women
who are in late reproductive phase(40-49 years) and afraid of surgery, opted Cu
T-380A only to pass over their fertilty period.Women with 2 or more female children
without a son,were not in favour of irreversible terminal sterilization. Some
women with two or more children who were interested for a permanent method but
got IUCD insertion.On the other hand the proportion of women(10.4%) with at
least one child opting IUCD as a spacing method is less. These happened due to
inappropriate selection and inadequate counselling of women with 2 or more
children for long term IUCD.An exit interview with
the women,who availed IUCD from MFPU,revealed that they had to cover a distance of less than 1 kilometer
to 7 kilometers to reach the MFPU.Some clients came by walking while others
were dependent on vehicular transport.It cost them about 10 to 15 rupees.All of
them reported that they were informed by their ASHA/AWW about IUCD, Camp Date
and Camp Site earlier.The camp used to start at 11.00 am and close at 5.00 pm
on each camp day.Approximately, 15 minutes or more were given to each client
for counseling and insertion.The van Nurse informed
that, sufficient time was not available to give quality counselling to each of
the client.Pre-procedural counselling on IUCD by the FLWs during the home
visits could have decreased counselling time by the van Nurse and increased the
number of insertions on camp day.
identified from this piloting were inadequate pre-insertion counselling of
women, improper Client Selection, failure in detecting anaemia before insertion,
huge client load of 18-30 per day against anticipation of 15-20 per day, less
number of follow-ups, no system for complication identification and referral
services after insertion, inadequate van days to meet unmet need for spacing
and limiting through MFPU in the district of Patna and high operating cost of
van.The objectives of the piloting were successfully achieved in reaching at
door steps of the client in hard to reach areas of Bihar. Increasing
accessibility to quality family planning services was proved feasible through
this piloting.Taking the current piloting and huge unmet need into
consideration, it is suggested that each district should have a MFPU for
outreach family planning services at least 15 to 20 days a month.It is
suggested that one nurse from
each block PHC could be given hands on training on IUCD insertion in the van
itself to increase access to IUCD insertion at PHC.
1.Census of India,2011: http://nrhm-mis.nic.in/familywelfare2011.html.
Family Health Survey-III,2005-06.
3.Implementation Design for Integrated
Family Health Initiative(IFHI) in Bihar,Final Document,September,2011,p:11-15.
4.IUCD Reference Manual for Nursing
Personnel, Family Planning Division, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,
Government of India, December 2007,p:22-23.
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